Don't let an eviction or bad credit keep you from renting an apartment.

We at United Credit Services have helped thousands of clients qualify for aparments with our CPN apartment program. A cpn number is nothing more a new credit file totally different from your old profile.

What Is A SCN or CPN?

A cpn number is nothing more a new credit file totally different from your old profile.

It is a secondary credit number(SCN) a nine-digit number that has the exact same genetic makeup of a Social Security Number.

A CPN Number (Credit Privacy Number) / SCN Number (Secondary Credit Number) is a unique nine digit identification number that can be used to report financial information to all three credit bureaus. A CPN NUMBER / SCN Number is registered with the Three Credit Reporting Bureaus the process to do so is called TRI-Merge (Submitting your personal information & the CPN / SCN to the 3 credit bureaus) and after that you will be able to have payments and financial information reported to.

Why It’s Legal

It is your legal right to keep your Social Security Number private, and use a separate number for any creditrelated purposes. You can use the existing laws to your advantage for a change. Due to certain rights guaranteed by the (1974 US Privacy Act Title V Click here to see), you have the right to keep your Social Security Number private and not be denied service due to your refusal. The credit bureaus are not government agencies, so you do not have to give them your Social Security Number.

It is your legal right to keep your Social Security Number private, and use a separate number for any creditrelated purposes. You can use the existing laws to your advantage for a change. Due to certain rights guaranteed by the (1974 US Privacy Act Title V Click here to see), you have the right to keep your Social Security Number private and not be denied service due to your refusal. The credit bureaus are not government agencies, so you do not have to give them your Social Security Number.

CPNs are commonly used by celebrities,members of congress, individuals involved in witness protection program and those who may have experienced identity theft.

Currently the U.S. Government allows you to possess and use another 9 digit number beside your Social Security Number (SSN) to compile your personal financial information. But you are not allowed to abuse these numbers and you will be completely responsible for any debts on your Social Security Number (SSN) and your new credit profile under the CPN Number / SCN Number.

It is your legal right to keep your Social Security Number (SSN) private by using a separate number for credit related purposes. The law says you are only required to disclose your Social Security Number (SSN) to the Internal Revenue Service, your work place (your employer), registering a motor vehicle, applying for a federally backed loan (FHA, Fannie Mae, etc), child support, DSS income, SSI taxes, and buying and registering a firearm.

All of our numbers are safescanned, trimerged, and linked only to you. Ensuring you have clean number enabling you to qualify for an apratment. Keep in mind the number comes blank with no score. But most apartments don't really require a score only a clean file with no evictions or judgements.
Your new file will have none of that it will be totally clean. For the most even past criminal history won't show up. In case an apartment does require a score we can always put a tradeline on your profile and give you a score from 700 -750. Tradelines are an extra fee. You can also rent houses with a cpn number however usually most home renters do require some type of score.

We also have a wide variety of novelty documents if you need help qualifying with income.

So call for a free consultation and to let us show you how we can get you into an apartment or house within days with our unique cpn apartment program.

The tri-merged CPN number is $150 to receive in 6 business days
Each number is safescanned and skip-traced to ensure quality, safety, and accuracy.
You will receive credit karma setup and a detailed instruction manual(updated regularly) on how to use your cpn number properly and how build it up to get other forms of credit. Plus you 60 phone support to help succeed at getting an apartment or house. 

You can receive you number the next business day for an additinal $60 for a total of $210.

To set up a CREDIT PRIVACY NUMBER, this is what is needed.

1. Name of the person wanting the CPN

2. Address that is not associated with any credit on file.

3. Phone number that is not associated with any credit on file.

4. Date of Birth

5. New email address

Why It’s Legal

VERY IMPORTANT: We cannot stress enough the importance of using BRAND NEW information when purchasing a CPN. The smallest thing like a old phone number or email address can and WILL merge your new credit file with your old one! As there are absolutely NO REFUNDS on CPNs, it is highly important nothing associated with your old file is used when attempting to build a new one. That is something that is TOTALLY up to the CPN buyer, and not our company! We take absolutely no responsibility if new information is not used when building your new credit file. 


Apartment Package Siver

Apartment Rental Package

Also includes 60 day phone consulting.

Includes trimerged CPN, paystubs, and job verification.

Only $350

Aprtment Package Gold

Includes tri-merged CPN number with 1 tradeline

Includes manual, credit karma setup, and 700-740 score

Also includes 60 day phone consulting.

Tradline takes about 30 days to show but you

expedite it to about 2 weeks for an additional $60.

Only $595

Apartment Package Platinum

Includes tri-merged CPN number with 1 tradeline

Includes manual, credit karma setup, and 700-740 score

Also includes 60 day phone consulting.

Tradline takes about 30 days to show but you

expedite it to about 2 weeks for an additional $60.

Plus you get paystubs, and job verification.

Only $720

We also have an awesome credit sweep program that can have totally clean credit in 60 days-ask us about.

Call Now
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